The Japanese secret of longevity is revealed

 The Japanese secret of longevity is revealed

Do you want to live long and stay healthy?

It seems that Japan is an example of a country where the average age of the population is longer than the population of Asia and other countries. How come?

Japan is famous not only for its developed country but also for its extraordinary life expectancy. The average life expectancy of the Japanese population is 83.89 years, many even reach 100 years! This contrasts with the life expectancy of the Indonesian population which only reaches 69.19 years.

Do you know what is the secret behind the longevity of the Japanese population? What kind of lifestyle and diet do they apply?

According to the article, the secret of longevity and staying healthy among Japanese people starts with their diet and lifestyle.

Japanese cuisine generally contains a lot of vegetables. Traditionally, Japanese people eat vegetables, rice, and seafood. They also add variety to the diet, from mushrooms, and fermented soybeans to seaweed.

For example, the Tsukemono pickled dish is made from various vegetables, such as radishes, eggplant, and plums. Japanese people also like to eat edamame nuts as a snack. Other vegetables that are widely consumed are onions, radishes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, green peppers to potatoes.

It was also revealed that Japanese people are used to consuming green tea ( Because they are used to and regularly consume green tea, it has implications for the longevity of the Japanese population. Green tea contains many antioxidants that can make us live longer and avoid various diseases. Another benefit of green tea is that it can reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and degenerative diseases.

Japan has a special green tea called matcha. It is a fine green tea powder and is drunk by brewing it with hot water. Green tea is usually drunk in the morning or evening and is often served to guests or when there is a special banquet. also revealed that Japanese food is cooked in a variety of ways, such as steaming, grilling, slow cooking, and fermenting food. This variation keeps the vitamin and mineral content in the food maintained. So, we can get complete nutrition from these foods.

 Japanese dishes are occasionally fried, such as in tempura or katsu. However, Japanese residents compensate by eating vegetable soup, pickled radish, and natto. The combination of various dishes that are not monotonous is what keeps the Japanese population healthy and living long.

 Another unique fact is that Japanese food is served in small containers.

In contrast to the lifestyle of Indonesians and other people in other countries, Japanese people are used to eating small portions. They are used for serving everything in small containers, such as rice, soup, side dishes, or vegetables. Portion control is part of traditional Japanese etiquette and is taught from an early age.

This includes the practice of eating on a small plate or bowl, not filling the plate completely, serving each food item on a small plate, and not overeating. In Japan, there is a saying 'hara hachi bu' which means eat until you feel 80 percent full.

Another habit in developing countries like Indonesia is that it is always tempting to ride a motorbike, car or other types of public transportation, even though the destination is very close. This is different from the Japanese style of activity.

We have a habit of going everywhere by private vehicle. In fact, just go to a nearby minimarket on a motorbike. This contrasts with the habits of the Japanese population. Every day, they are used to walking long distances. For example, from home to the train station to go to school or work.

Based on research, regular walking can increase life expectancy. According to researchers from the US National Cancer Institute, if we remain physically active after the age of 40, it will increase our life expectancy by two to seven years, according to the Health Day page.

 One more secret why Japanese people have a high life expectancy: they have an ideal body weight! According to statistics, only 3.6 percent of the Japanese population has a body mass index (BMI) above 30 and is categorized as overweight.

Meanwhile, in other countries such as America, as many as 32 percent of the population has a BMI above 30. In Indonesia alone, obesity is experienced by 23-28 percent of the population. This is based on research published in the Medical Journal of Indonesia. With low obesity rates, the risk of the Japanese population getting sick will be smaller.

If you have ever visited Japan, you will know that the country is very clean. It seems the Japanese are obsessed with cleanliness. In this case, we know that cleanliness is associated with health. Their culture mostly comes from the Shinto tradition where the main teachings are about the concept of purification.

Shinto, the original religion of Japanese society, is very respectful of purity, even though we are obliged to wash our hands and face before entering a Shinto shrine. Cleanliness is associated with good morals for the Japanese population. In addition, Japanese people have a habit of bathing twice a day or more when summer arrives.

Another secret to Japanese people's longevity is that they like to socialize. Eating or drinking with colleagues after work is common in Japan. According to the Tofugu website, although this activity can reduce sleep time, socializing is very important for human psychological health.

So, the more often we socialize, the more we will continue to enjoy life. That's what the Japanese people believe and do consistently. Socializing is not only for young people, but older people always take the time to chat, either with family, relatives, or friends.

If you are interested in living a healthy and long life, as well as being happy, then the Japanese lifestyle seems suitable to be imitated in our daily lives.



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